Bariatric Surgery


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    Commonly called weight loss surgery, Bariatric Surgery includes a variety of procedures performed on people struggling with morbid obesity. Bariatric Surgery is truly life changing considering obesity can cause some serious health risks for those living with it.


    When it comes to bariatrics, you’d be hard pressed to find a more passionate, talented and results-oriented team than the surgeons of North Florida Surgeons: Baptist Jacksonville Division that work with the Baptist Center for Bariatrics. Our multi-disciplinary team of dieticians, psychologists, and bariatric surgical specialists, will be by your side before and after surgery.

    Our aim is to make sure you are fully prepared for Bariatric surgery and your new “tool”, as well as fully supported afterwards. We will help you live the happiest, healthiest life possible as soon as possible. Our patients follow up with us long term and essentially become part of our family.

    So if you’re considering bariatric surgery in Jacksonville, FL, our experienced team is here to guide you every step of the way. Contact us today to start your journey to better health!

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    This bariatric procedure reduces the stomach to 20% of its’ original size and reduces the hormone that makes you feel hungry. Sleeve gastrectomy is the most common bariatric operation done in the United States as of 2013. Many patients choose this operation because it is lower risk than, and often has weight loss similar to, Gastric Bypass.


    This procedure reduces caloric intake by making the stomach smaller and decreases the amount of calories that are absorbed by bypassing a segment of the intestines. Gastric bypass carries slightly more risk than Sleeve gastrectomy, but we often recommend this operation in patients with severe, refractory gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus also can expect a greater chance of remission from diabetes, as well as a more durable remission, versus Sleeve gastrectomy, even though patients who have a Sleeve often have significant improvement as well.


    For the most part, Lap Banding is an obsolete procedure, where many patients have their Band removed in five to ten years. Some patients had great results with the Lap Band, but over time many patients go through the cycle of having band fills and deflations due to severe reflux symptoms or regurgitation, with resultant yo-yo-ing of their weight. We will accept patients into our practice who have a band elsewhere, and our multi-disciplinary team will do our best to work with them to try to optimize their weight loss. Often patients come to us with problems related to their band, or simply weight loss failure, and we commonly remove bands and convert to Sleeve or Gastric Bypass.

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